How it Works?

A payday loan from PaydayKing gives you money and peace of mind - just when you need them most!

PaydayKing gives you financial freedom – from a surprise weekend away to paying for a plumbing emergency just before payday!

How do I get a payday loan?
Borrowing from Payday King is fast and easy! We give online decisions, without the need for faxes or mail. You are just a few minutes away from your payday loan!! All you need to do is: Fill in our fast and easy application form and press “Submit”

Upon submitting all the required information, you will be notified within an hour whether you have been approved for a loan.

Once you’ve been approved, we will email you a Sign URL link, User ID and Password. Click on the Sign URL link. You will be transferred to a secure web page, where you will be able to login and sign two documents electronically.

You have to sign both documents: a Loan Agreement and a PAD agreement online.

Once we have received both of your electronically signed agreements, we will then either: a) electronically deposit your loan funds into your bank account the same business day, or b) send you your loan funds via an Email Money Transfer (EMT).
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Are Payday Loans right for me?
Borrowing from Payday King is fast and easy! We give online decisions, without the need for faxes or mail.
  • Pay those 'Final Demand' bills
  • Get the technician to fix your TV without waiting until payday!
  • Take your partner away for a romantic weekend!
  • Have extra spending money for your holiday!
  • Pay your cell phone bill just in time!
  • Or...spend the cash any way you want!.
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How much money can I borrow?
You can borrow from $100 up to $1,000 depending on your personal circumstances. Typically speaking, first time clients will only be approved to a maximum of $150. Once you have developed a positive track record with us, the amounts you will be able to borrow on subsequent loans will increase. To find out how much YOU can borrow complete our Fast and Easy Payday Loan Application Form Today!
How do I repay my loan?
Repaying your payday loan could not be easier. We electronically debit (withdraw) the agreed repayment amount from your account on your next payday – there’s nothing else for you to do.
Existing Payday King Customers
Existing customers are provided with an Existing Customer Login and may apply there directly, meaning even less hassle!
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